Seeing the difference you make in someone’s life
As a board member of the Pro Bono Advice Network, Niall McConville has been involved with the organisation for more than six years.
What is the best thing about working for PFAN?
I am very motivated to help people when they are experiencing a tough time in life. At PFAN, we are helping everyday Australians who have been diagnosed with a serious illness and experiencing financial hardship to receive financial advice, which will hopefully mean they can solely focus on their health.
What would you say to anyone else considering providing their professional expertise via the Pro Bono Financial Advice Network?
Giving up your time and expertise to someone who may not normally get the opportunity to spend time with you to seek advice…and seeing the difference you make, is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life.
Find the time to see at least one person a year, you will gain a lot from the experience, while giving back at the same time.
How can advisers or organisations find out more
Visit us online at or get in touch with me via LinkedIn.